Earn with DiceRoll UK


Do you run a podcast to broadcast your adventures? Do you create and share Dungeons & Dragons content? Would you like to earn for simply enjoying your passion?

Join The DiceRoll UK Affiliate Programme Today

With the affiliate program you can earn commission by simply referring your audience to DiceRoll UK, allowing you to earn while also helping grow the Dungeons & Dragons community. 

The commission rate starts at 7.5% cashback and is subject to grow with time and effort. We are also looking to share links to those who have worked with us for a while. 

Signing up is easy; simply enter your information and wait for approval!


Kaz the DM

Kaz the DM

Dungeons & Dragons & Art Steams

Arcana DND

Dungeons & Dragons Steams


Logical Monkey

Dungeons & Dragons Podcast
