Frequently Asked Questions

Who Are DiceRoll UK?

We are a small company based in Creswell, Derbyshire.

Spurred by our passion for Dungeons & Dragons and disappointment in other companies, we set up DiceRoll UK to help gear up others wishing to adventure into the realm of Table Top RPGs!

What makes DiceRoll UK unique?

We are huge advocates for consumer rights and put honesty and integrity above all else.

We strive to ensure that people are confident in their orders and are happy with every purchase they make.

Do you sell custom dice?

We do not yet create custom dice. However, we strive to do so in the future.

How do you measure your D20 dice?

The measurement in the technical information for our dice is from measuring the dice face to face. 

Why are Chessex dice shipped loose?

Shipping Chessex dice loose allows us to send them are Large Letters as opposed to Small Parcels, which in turn allows us to offer you lower prices.

Whats with the Dice Gnolls?

We like gnolls.